Pledge Card for 2025
You can use this form to make your pledge for 2025.
Your financial Stewardship Pledge is kept entirely confidential by the Stewardship Recorder, Agnes Kalinga Maye.
Thank you for your generosity.
In thanksgiving for all that God has given, I/we make this commitment in 2025 to Emmanuel Episcopal Church.
This address will receive a confirmation email
Total Annual Pledge: CHF/€/$
I/we will pay this in installments:
Please select one option.
Weekly (52 installments)
Monthly (12 installments)
Annually (1 payment)
I/we would like to pay this pledge by:
Please select all that apply.
Offering envelopes
Bank transfer
Please send at year's end an attestation for:
Please select one option.
Swiss taxes
US taxes
You can use this form to make your pledge for 2025.
Your financial Stewardship Pledge is kept entirely confidential by the Stewardship Recorder, Agnes Kalinga Maye.
Thank you for your generosity.
In thanksgiving for all that God has given, I/we make this commitment in 2025 to Emmanuel Episcopal Church.
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